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Alan Lee - from the Mabinogian: Rhiannon

Alan Lee*   ~ Rhiannon ~

~ Moonbeams and Faerie-Dust ~


Where Lies Truth?

~ in my own voice ~

music: Raven's Flight -- Anna Schaad

What made us fight? What "truth" was so important?

Wasn't I your Galahad? Weren't you my Nimué?
Were we asking too much, to have our story-book life?

Or were we each holding our breath,

waiting for the other to write that fairy-tale?

When you left, in your mind, had it all been,

"merely moonbeams and faerie-dust?"

Did you ever tell your new lover about that stolen night:

After dinner, when I held you tight, under those downtown lights?

What was it that stranger saw about us—

what made him say we glowed with our, "halo of true love?"

Why didn't you tell him the Truth:

"It had ended; there was nothing to see,
but moonbeams and faerie-dust."

When you sent all those words of passion and devotion;

Words that gave me hope, that fueled my desire, that tortured my soul;

Words you shared when a ring and a promise kept you from sharing more;

Did you think I could change what you had done?
Should I have believed your words, and not your promise?

I still want to believe I was more to you than some fantasy of escape.

But maybe, I was just caught in a spell you made by accident,
wishing you could have moonbeams and faerie-dust again.

Years later, you did come briefly back to my arms,

But then you said, you no longer believed in fairy-tales
—there was no magic left;

And you wanted nothing more than a companion, a playmate.

So it was, that finally...  I  let  you  go...

I let go of my deepest desire,

knowing you would never stay,
not without
our moonbeams and faerie-dust.

Now… about that kiss… I know, you still know which kiss.

After all your lovers, you said you could not remember
even one “truly passionate” kiss.

Was it a dare? Was it a challenge?

I'm sure you knew I could not let it go unanswered.
So I gave you... that kiss.

You have said you never had one as passionate before, or since.

But there is something you should know:
that kiss was made from moonbeams and faerie-dust.

Don’t mis-understand,

I accepted your challenge—with a burning need to best it:
I needed something to bring back the stars in your eyes.

I needed to leave you breathless, needed you to need me—my heart, my soul.

I needed a trick of magic—a spell woven with all the
skill, force and energy that I could manage in that moment.

I needed you to see—moonbeams and faerie-dust.

I had no doubt it had to be more than a kiss:

It had to start with an embrace—your body possessed by mine.

It had to be as tender as a doe nuzzling her new-born fawn,

but with a substance and power as fierce as a lion’s distant roar.
—wild and dangerous, but not quite enough to fear.

The kiss itself started behind your neck,

then followed contours I had already known, explored, and claimed;

Working my way along with a hunger—both tender and fierce.

Only finding your lips,
once your body was awash with my moonbeams and faerie-dust.

It was a thing I conjured; shaped only that one singular time—

cast and then cast aside.
It took every ounce of my attention, of my imagination,
of magic I could muster.

It was crafted; it was performed;

it was shaped and shared with considered intention.

You must know—it was never a lie;

Even if it was half-a-lie.
That was only because, it had to be.

It was the best I could do to give you a taste of something

I was never able to share with you—though I desperately wanted to.

The true passion inside of me is as cautious as it is powerful.

It is a force that needs to resonate,
to build with the passion of another,
that needs to be wanted, needs to be shared,

—between two...


you don't believe in moonbeams and faerie-dust.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So, I suppose,
      I - have never had, even one, truly, passionate kiss ...

* Apologies to the artist - liberties taken with the image

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Page last modified on August 01, 2024, at 10:29 PM