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~ A Lad He Learns ~      

Recorded in my voice.

A lad he learns, while at apron strings, in warrior's ways to play;

Her pots and pans and cooking spoons make his sword and shield today.

Mother’s brave little boy, building dreams of daring deeds again,

Following well-worn footsteps, first made by now forgotten men.

Their names may no longer be known, but their truths are ever told:

Still we praise, the warrior's ways, of our defenders brave and bold.

The smith of a warrior's heart, works soft ore, hammer’d hard and strong.

Life-threads brightly-spun from bronze, the bards have burnish’d with their song.

A youth he yearns a hero's name, by his worth to win one day.

He dreams of slaying dragons, and boasts to keep the trolls at bay.

Well above the warrior's bench, do heroes sit in honor's hall.

Courage, calm, cunning and honor: high examples held for all.

The smith of a hero's heart works valor's forge with fire and tong:

Life-threads drawn from heat-hard iron, the skalds stretch for us with song.

But few are the lives the Fates do spin with threads of hero's steel;

Some names still, have been saved by us, 'though Fortune yet winds her wheel.

Those hearts of legend and ancient rhyme, to name a few I bid:

High-born Hector, Bold Beowulf, and the Spaniard known as Cid,

Noble Nevsky, Relentless Roland, Mighty Mac Cumhaill of Eire,

Siegfried Serpent's bane and Unwashed Harald, with his hair so ‘fair.’

The youth yet finds that a hero's path, may be too hard to take—

The world can’t hold so many heroes, as young men’s dreams would make.

So the smith of a knight's stout soul, softens hero's steel with grace,

And bolsters between his heart and deeds, his loyal lady's face.

A lady ‘twas, first that found, the secret of chivalry’s heart:

Steel, it should be tempered, made stronger by softening in part.

Humility and kind compassion, work warrior into knight,

Defender of the defenseless, following his lady's light.

A knight's rough road requires a stout soul, marked by the choices made,

To strike or spare: in balance, cruelty and compassion are laid.

The smith of a chivalric heart, works "hôher muot"* with mind:

Life threads spun of silver bright, the Minnesinger have enshrined.

For long ages have we listened, to the lore of knights well known.

By what they endure and then decide, our deep ideals are shown.

We crave more than tales of triumph—tell us his “true-heart’s’’ story:

His best deeds, for others done, where he gains himself no glory.

Whose names honor chivalry's hall? Whose names rise above mere men?

Richard who ruled with his rare-heart, Wolfram who wrought with word and pen,

Self-Made Marshal William, Barb'rossa— who bides in buried vault,

Arthur, who saw equals all around, and Bayard - ‘beyond fault.’

To his final breath, the sworn-knight strives a better man to be;

In turn, lads will learn, from the courage and compassion they see.

The way from “warrior” to “knight”, is found in why and how we fight;

Not by the defeated, but by the defended, do we make right.

But few of us follow that fierce path—to be a noble knight;

Still, strive we can, upon our quest with compassion as our light.

Chivalry lives—in a life of choices ever without end,

When from every small place of power, there the weak we still defend;

While Grace inspires us to face our fears with humility;

Neither Fate nor foe does so much to foster nobility.

The smith of a graceful heart, works with the basest metals best;

Strands of copper, lead and tin, still unsung, left to each as our test.

For Amanda:

Shaper of Chivalry,
True Embodiment of Grace & Inspiration
Cornelius von Rügen

* hôher muot [middle high german] = high ideals – high heart – strong spirit – courage

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Page last modified on July 08, 2024, at 05:51 PM