Recorded in my voice.
A lad he learns, while at apron strings, in warrior's ways to play;
Mother’s brave little boy, building dreams of daring deeds again,
Their names may no longer be known, but their truths are ever told:
The smith of a warrior's heart, works soft ore, hammer’d hard and strong.
A youth he yearns a hero's name, by his worth to win one day.
Well above the warrior's bench, do heroes sit in honor's hall.
The smith of a hero's heart works valor's forge with fire and tong:
But few are the lives the Fates do spin with threads of hero's steel;
Those hearts of legend and ancient rhyme, to name a few I bid:
Noble Nevsky, Relentless Roland, Mighty Mac Cumhaill of Eire,
The youth yet finds that a hero's path, may be too hard to take—
So the smith of a knight's stout soul, softens hero's steel with grace,
A lady ‘twas, first that found, the secret of chivalry’s heart:
Humility and kind compassion, work warrior into knight,
A knight's rough road requires a stout soul, marked by the choices made,
The smith of a chivalric heart, works "hôher muot"* with mind:
For long ages have we listened, to the lore of knights well known.
We crave more than tales of triumph—tell us his “true-heart’s’’ story:
Whose names honor chivalry's hall? Whose names rise above mere men?
Self-Made Marshal William, Barb'rossa— who bides in buried vault,
To his final breath, the sworn-knight strives a better man to be;
The way from “warrior” to “knight”, is found in why and how we fight;
But few of us follow that fierce path—to be a noble knight;
Chivalry lives—in a life of choices ever without end,
While Grace inspires us to face our fears with humility;
The smith of a graceful heart, works with the basest metals best;
For Amanda:
* hôher muot [middle high german] = high ideals – high heart – strong spirit – courage
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